In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Opera Houses

Loanes store and Opera House, Ashland, ca. 1895

Loanes store and Opera House, Ashland, ca. 1895

Item 35409 info
Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library

Loane's store and Opera House on East side of Main Street. The Loane's sign on the front of the store announced that they sold hardware and 'sportmens' supplies. Other signs advertised that they sold paint, oils, varnish, carpenter's supplies, builder's supplies and farming tools. Advertised brand name products were Simond's Saws ("Simonds are Best"), Atlantic Ranges ("Atlantic Ranges Always Please"), and Syracuse Chilled Plows ("Syracuse Plows are Best"). Syracuse Plows of Syracuse, New York, later became part of the John Deere Company.

Other stores further along the street are W. J. Campbell Drug Store and E. F. Daniels & Co.'s People's Clothier.

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