Lisbon Street in the late 1800s.
As late as the 1840s what is now Lisbon Street was undeveloped, but the community soon changed. Boston investors, including Benjamin E. Bates, financed the construction of the canal system and several textile mills. Many Irish immigrants were employed in the construction, under the supervision of Capt. Albert H. Kelsey. These mills prospered during the Civil War, as the owners correctly foresaw that the war would be long; they had stockpiled sufficient cotton to maintain production.
in the 1860s and 70s Central Block on the corner of Lisbon and Main Streets became the anchor for development of the downtown area and housed city offices. Lisbon Street became the main commercial center. A new impressive city building was constructed in 1873 across from a park donated by the Franklin Company; after an 1890 fire, the current city hall replaced it.
After fire destroyed several stores on Lisbon Street, leading citizens decided to construct "the best opera house east of Boston." The Music Hall was built in 1877 at 69 Lisbon Street. The offerings here, at the Empire Theater, and in many other halls generally featured traveling stock companies, minstrels, drama and melodrama.