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Shaker Music

Brothers and boys, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, ca. 1910

Brothers and boys, Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, ca. 1910

Item 6623 info
United Society of Shakers

Pictured from left to right: Elder Delmer Wilson, Brother Stephen Gowen, Charles Durrett, John Warren Callahan and Pup.

Warren Callahan of Malden, Massachusetts, was brought to Sabbathday Lake by his grandparents at the age of twelve in 1907. Born in Montpelier, Vermont, in 1900, Charles Durrett came to the community from Portland in 1909.

Sister Aurelia Mace, keeper of the Church Journal at the time, observed that Charlie was "very small for his age but as smart as a cricket." Neither boy officially joined the community. Pup was Elder William Dumont's pet dog.

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